Aviation and Aeronautics

  • Prompt Field Investigations with claim specialists
  • Accurate & consistent loss reserving practices
  • Litigation & Settlement Management
  • Centralized Recovery Unit
  • Customized 1-800 claim reporting
  • Local, regional & centralized claims handling options
  • Customized Management Reports
  • Online Claims System
  • Fraud Investigation

Medical Cost Containment

  • Medical Case Management & Vocational Rehabilitation Services
  • Outcome-based Healthcare Provider Networks
  • Managed Care Savings
  • Efficient Medical Services Management
  • Rx program, including First Fill Options
  • Customary Bill Review Services

Emerging commercial space technologies, along with complex and substantial financial investments present a specialized type of high-risk exposure.

The Titanium Risk Group's Aviation Space team underwrites varying commercial space insurance coverages for Liability. The Titanium Risk Group and team with respects to Space Exploration has experience as a team in the international space market for over 10 years and has a cumulative knowledge within the Space industry of more than a century.

The Space team consists of three underwriters and two technical analysts. Assessment and evaluation are performed on each placement and technical data is compiled into the multiple databases, created and managed by the Aviation department. There are numerous combinations of launch vehicle and spacecraft, which vary in application, design and mission. These are reviewed through insurance documents and attendance to client/manufacturer briefings as well as Space industry events.

  • Launch Plus In-Orbit Risks
  • In-Orbit Coverage
  • Satellite Incentive Coverage
  • Launch Risk Guarantee
  • Space Third-Party Legal Liability